My 1st ever full bodypainting I ever did @paintopia_official #paintopiabodypaintingfest ival2014 This was what made me fall in love with the #art of#Bodypainting to top it all off I won 2nd Place, Best Bodypainter of the Year in the Solo Competition, as a beginner thats huge achievement but it gave me a boost to carry on and fall in love with this awesome art form, Being an #artist your possibilities to explore different mediums, techniques and art forms is a way of growing and pushing your boundaries, I am so happy I did that, I love the painty community, positive, fun and helpful. This competition went on 3 days and I wrote a story for it (I write too in case you didnt know.Theme #StrangersInTheNight is a #lovestory My amazing #model @mollyrobbo with her killer body did an amazing job, bringing my design to life, and my partner in crime and incredible #hairstylist @annaromanenkova blew everybody’s mind off with the #bigben #hairpiece made all with #Hair