The new Smoothbeam laser offers the following benefits:

  • New Technology: Not a rejuvenation product, Smoothbeam’s LASR (laser assisted skin renewal) process is a completely new technology for collagen remodeling. The 1450 nm wavelength selectively heats the upper dermis, inducing a mild thermal injury. The body’s natural healing response initiates collagen remodeling and the deposition of new, organized collagen. The result is smoother, more uniform skin.
  • Protects the Epidermis: Smoothbeam features Candela’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD), which cools the epidermis prior to and during laser exposure. DCD automates the delivery of cryogen to optimally control the thermal injury so heating can occur at desired penetration depth while surrounding areas remain cool. Thus, skin renewal is achieved effectively.
  • Minimal Patient Downtime: Effective skin protection means that patients experience minimal downtime when compared to conventional treatments. No pre-treatment or post-treatment care means that anatomic treatments around eyes and upper lip can be given quickly and easily.
  • 1450 nm diode laser is safe and effective in treating all skin types. “Sebum reduction and improvements in acne scarring are also significant benefits of the laser treatment,“The long-term remission achievable with the Smoothbeam, along with uniform clinical efficacy and minimal adverse effects, makes this diode laser a suitable first line, second line or adjuvant treatment modality for moderate-to-severe acne.”
  • “Most patients experience greater pain during the first session because of more inflammatory lesions. However, as the number of inflammatory lesions diminishes, patients normally experience less pain with subsequent treatments and can tolerate higher fluences, the 1450 nm diode laser emits light that is strongly absorbed by water in the skin. “Heat is generated in and around the sebaceous glands, thus altering their structure,“This change in the sebaceous glands — the root cause of acne — allows for effective, long lasting acne clearance.” The Smoothbeam also causes minimal side effects because skin is preserved through the integrated dynamic cooling device (DCD) spray.
  • The 1450 nm diode laser improves the rate of response for the treatment of inflammatory facial acne vulgaris and post-inflammatory erythema. “This combination may also have synergistic effects to improve the efficacy for acne scarring than those obtained with either wavelength alone.
  • A marked reduction in inflammatory facial acne counts after only one to three sessions, even in patients who had been refractory to traditional topical or systemic therapies.
  • ABLATIVE LASER resurfacing is a well-accepted treatment modality for facial rejuvenation, as it can predictably improve the appearance of photoinduced rhytides
  • Mild to moderate improvement in treated facial rhytides was observed in all patients. Increased dermal collagen was seen 6 months after four successive treatments.
  • The nonablative 1,450-nm diode laser is safe and effective for the treatment of mild-to-moderate facial rhytides.
  • The primary mechanism for wrinkle effacement that continues several months after an ablative laser skin resurfacing procedure is based on the creation of a controlled thermal injury in the dermis that induces neocollagenesis.
  • Maximum clinical improvement is evident 6 months after treatment, with all patients demonstrating modest improvements in both periorbital and perioral wrinkles
  • This study demonstrates that the 1,450-nm diode laser is a safe and effective noninvasive technique to induce modest long-term clinical improvement of mild-tomoderate photoinduced facial rhytides. The periorbital area was more responsive to treatment than the perioral area.
  • Less invasive techniques for rejuvenation of photodamaged skin are becoming more popular in the medical community because of high public demand and the desire to provide good clinical outcomes while minimizing side effects and recovery periods.