*Disclaimer: Results vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed.

The doctors at Venus Derm are experts in the performance of the IPL photofacial treatment in Venus Center.

As the population ages, ever-increasing numbers of people are interested in improving the appearance of their damaged skin. IPL photofacial, also known as Intense Pulse Light Therapy, or fotofacial, can be used to help restore the skin’s youthful appearance.

IPL Technology Improves The Appearance Of:

  • photo-aged skin
  • age spots (sun-induced freckles)
  • benign brown pigments
  • redness caused by broken capillaries


The IPL photofacial treatment is ideal for patients with active lifestyles because the procedure requires minimal downtime and has a low risk of side effects. The gentle, non-ablative treatments use broad spectrum light to treat the face, chest, neck, and hands—virtually anywhere that sun damage shows.

IPL photofacial treatments are great for treating a variety of skin conditions. The benefits include:

  • Removes or reduces broken capillaries on the face or around the nose
  • Reduces redness from rosacea
  • Minimal downtime
A broad spectrum of light is transmitted through a small, smooth, transparent handpiece which is gently placed over the skin. Cut-off filters in the handpiece change the wavelength range allowing it to be optimized for different applications and skin types. The light penetrates the tissue and is absorbed by either the blood when treating vascular lesions or the melanin when treating pigmented lesions and damages them. The body’s natural processes then remove the injured tissue giving the skin a more even and youthful appearance.

Fotofacial skin treatments using photorejuvenation often consist of a full-face treatment or treatment of isolated body areas like the hands or chest. It can treat a variety of skin conditions, including:

  • Spider veins (broken capillaries around the nose)
  • Age spots
  • Brown spots
  • Sunspots
  • Freckles
  • Rosacea
  • Birthmarks
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Port wine stains
  • Blood vessels
  • Skin texture
  • Seborrheic keratoses